Smartphone Screen Replacement and Repair

We recognise the frustration that comes with a damaged or cracked smartphone screen, impacting your productivity and overall usage. That's why we're dedicated to assisting you.

At Connect NZ, we specialise in repairing and replacing screens for various smartphone models, including well-known iPhone, Samsung, and other smartphone brands. Whether you have an iPhone 12, 13, 14, or 15, Samsung Galaxy, S20, S21, S22, S23 or any other popular smartphone, our experienced technicians are well-equipped to address your screen repair or replacement requirements.

Smartphone screen replacement and repair

A shattered or malfunctioning smartphone screen can result from various factors like accidental drops, liquid exposure, physical impacts, or internal component issues. Regardless of the cause, our smartphone screen repair and replacement services are tailored to revive your device.

When you opt for our services, anticipate a comprehensive and meticulous repair or replacement procedure. Our skilled technicians will carefully diagnose the screen problem on your smartphone and furnish you with an in-depth assessment of the necessary fixes.

Whether your screen requires minor adjustments or a complete replacement, we exclusively employ high-quality components and cutting-edge tools to ensure optimal outcomes.

Why should you entrust us with your smartphone screen repair? We take pride in being an authorised repair agent, signifying our commitment to rigorous industry standards and adherence to manufacturer protocols during the repair process. This guarantees the preservation of your smartphone's warranty, granting you assurance and safeguarding your investment.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to replace or repair a smartphone screen?

We typically complete the assessment of your device on the same business day. After the assessment, we will reach out to you with a cost estimate for the repair or replacement, and we will proceed once you approve. Smartphone screen repairs or replacements are usually finalised within one business day.

How much does it cost to replace or repair a smartphone screen?

After the assessment, we will provide you with a comprehensive cost estimate for the repair or replacement of your smartphone screen. Screen replacements for smartphones start from $249.

What is the process for repairing or replacing a smartphone screen?

The process of repairing or replacing a smartphone screen commences with a diagnostic assessment to pinpoint the issue. Once identified, the damaged screen is skillfully removed. A new screen is then meticulously installed, ensuring precise connections and alignment. Thorough testing, and post-repair diagnostics are conducted to guarantee optimal functionality of the repaired or replaced screen. At Connect NZ, we use genuine components with top-grade glass. Additionally, we are an authorised repair agent, ensuring that choosing our services extends your warranty.

What is the warranty period for a smartphone screen replacement or repair?

We provide a comprehensive three-month warranty on repairs, covering both parts and workmanship related to the original repair. Our warranty aims to support you in restoring your device’s functionality.

Do I need to back up my smartphone before a screen replacement or repair?

For a seamless experience, we strongly advise backing up your data before submitting your smartphone for assessment or repair. If you require assistance with this process, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we can guide you through it or even assist you upon request.

Do you have a smartphone screen that needs repairing?