Connect Capital Finance

With Connect Capital Finance you get up-to-date equipment and hardware upgrades when you need them, with the benefit of increasing your cash flow, and minimal financial outlay. You can keep your lines of credit open by renting rather than buying and we can help set a budget for your tech equipment and stick to it with fixed monthly fees for the term of your agreement.

Professionals at work

Benefits of Connect Capital Finance

A meeting of professionals

Reduced administration costs

Enjoy reduced administration costs by renting, as there is no need to maintain depreciation and interest schedules on fixed assets you own. Renting brings financial peace of mind because you’ll know at the outset exactly what your payment obligations will be for the duration of your rental agreement.

Payments are determined at a fixed amount, payable monthly. Once established, they remain at that agreed amount, no matter what market interest rates do.

Technology financing

Free up cash flow

Leave more cash available for other areas of your business. Your initial cash outlay to rent Connect NZ equipment is only the first month's rental in advance. Your cash can then be retained for more profitable uses such as marketing, bringing on new staff and increasing your production capability.

Colleagues attending a virtual meeting

Keep up with changing tech

Noone wants to be stuck with equipment that is beyond its useful life. By renting rather than buying capital assets, especially technology and communications equipment, you’ll reduce the risk of technological obsolescence. You can decide to upgrade at any time, not when your accountant tells you your hardware has now fully depreciated.

Why partner with Connect NZ?

  • Tick in a white circle


    Different finance packages for different needs. Funding cycle can be matched to the asset life cycle.

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    Maintain cash flow

    No upfront outlay for assets could preserve your liquidity and existing funding lines.

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    End-to-end service

    Our Customer Success Management service means we’re with you all the way, making sure you’re set up to succeed. We can be on-hand to provide monthly reports, user guides, product updates, and more. So your business’s tech will always be up-to-date.

  • Tick in a white circle

    Be competitive

    Up-to-date technology could give you a competitive edge.

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    Minimise risk

    Protect yourself from depreciation costs and technology obsolescence.

  • Tick in a white circle

    Drive growth

    Unlock cash from existing assets or buy new assets to help you grow.

Find out more about Connect Capital Finance

Get in touch with the team at Connect NZ for more information about our finance facility.